Become a Tech Coach

As a Tech Coach Volunteer at Kansas City Public Library, you can help adults in Kansas City across the digital divide by providing guidance and direct assistance with basic computer and internet skills, individual projects like creating and editing documents in Word and Excel, and so much more! Tech Coaches are key to the Library's ability to provide digital literacy services for adult patrons and commit a minimum of 4 hours per month for six months. Morning, afternoon or evening times are available, Monday – Saturday. Training and ongoing support are provided.

One-On-One Appointments

Often our learners have specific questions or goals and learnmost efficiently through direct and personal assistance. Basedon YOUR schedule and availability, you can accept digitallearning appointment requests from patrons. The library willprovide computers and safe space for you to help patrons reachtheir personal digital literacy goals. We announce availableappointments and you sign up to take the ones you want.

Drop In Sessions

Sign up to be the Tech Coach on-duty! We have designated drop insessions at multiple locations where patrons can walk up to gethelp on a first come, first served basis. For example, a patronmay need help downloading and printing a file from their email,logging on to a website or formatting a document. We list thedrop in sessions in the volunteer portal and you sign up for thesessions you want!


  • Excellent computer skills, including the ability to use the Internet and email with ease
  • Ability to communicate in an effective, supportive way with learners
  • Flexibility and patience
  • Respect for differences in culture and learning styles
  • Interest in digital literacy and adult education

Benefits Provided

  • Job skills, professional reference, resume enhancement and networking opportunities within the community
  • Knowledge that your efforts are helping others reach their personal goals and cross the digital divide in Kansas City
  • Experience with persons from a variety of educational and cultural backgrounds